Dealing With Evidence
If you’re not keeping score, it’s just practice
Mike Wistow has worked with different approaches to evidence-based change, from social policy in Government and academia to practical problem solving in Lean change. The approaches are slightly different but the principles are the same - to move an organisation from its current position to a defined new state.
Mike was Chair and Secretary of the National Probation Research and Information Exchange (NPRIE) at a time when NPRIE worked with national bodies, academics and the Home Office to develop and implement an evidence-based approach to dealing with offenders. In Local Authority and NHS settings, he has implemented balanced scorecards using both quantitative and qualitative assessment. As a consultant, he often works with colleagues with a Toyota pedigree whose default is to evidence-based problem solving.
Modern systems allow us easily access to knowledge of what works, with whom and in what circumstances - and thereby to work with people to make and maintain successful organisations.
You are great at asking really helpful ‘killer’ questions Mike! You are very good at highlighting good practice and successes that have emerged. The help you’ve been giving the [named clinical group] is preparing the way for them to better evaluate successes (and gaps/lack of effectiveness too!!) and helps us strive to continuous improvement. This is very valuable.